I realize how important it can be to learn how to remove a mole by yourself. You most likely are terrified of going to your local dermatologist since they will probably insist that you have an injection to freeze the surface of the mole before they slice away at it.
This can be a very terrifying thought for a lot of people. That's what I'm going to explain some powerful tips for removing your mole in the safety of your home.
\"eye Wrinkles\"
1. The honey method for getting rid of moles :
First of all, what is involved with this method is to simply rub some honey onto the surface of your moles in a gentle circular motion. Make sure that the honey is not too runny because you would like to have it to remain in place so that it will penetrate better your moles. It's probably best to put some sort of bandage over the surface of the honeyed mole.
Leave the honey on the surface of the mole overnight and in the morning simply rinse it off with lukewarm water. You will most likely notice over time that the mole is starting to shrink on it's own.
2. The banana peel method for removing moles from your skin:
You probably are thinking that this is an outrageous method and a little bit bizarre for removing the mole on your face or on another body part. Nevertheless, this technique works quite well and I have tried it on a mole that I had on my forearm for numerous years.
All that is in required is to rub the pulp side of the skin of a banana onto your moles and to cover up the surface of your moles afterward with some sort of bandage to ensure that the banana substance remains in place. It is probably best to perform this method during the nighttime and instead walking around with a bunch of bandages on your moles.
2 Easy Tips - How to Remove a Mole by Yourself
Looking for a complete system to follow for your largest moles?
I realize that you very worried that you may screw up using one of the home remedies. That is why I searched on the internet for my readers and I found a system that is highly detailed and provides you with step by step instructions for learning how to get rid of moles on your face.
You can read about this mole removal system at: http://MolesWartsAway.com.